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This project offers numerous scholarly resources critically exploring threat of violence  while offering opportunity to further theorize about the cultivation and development of autonomy within contexts routinely threatening harm. Beyond autonomy theory, these resources contribute to theoretical investigation into gender violence with hope and optimism.

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Recent Publications

Choice Reviews, December 2022 Issue: “Gender Violence explores the myths and realities of the threat of gender-based violence and active forms of resistance to it…. She advocates specifically for martial arts and self-defense programs rooted in feminist frameworks. These are the most successful because they resist rape culture while increasing the capacities of women and other people with marginalized identities who face high risk for sexual violence. This book is a must-read for anyone working at the intersections of gender-based violence prevention and somatic practice. Essential. All levels.”

Baribault, J. and S. Burrow. 2022. Gender Violence, Autonomy, and Sport." 13th Annual Conference on Sport & Society: Whose Body is it? Sport and the Problem of Autonomy. Aarhus, Denmark, June 29 -July 1. 

Burrow, S. 2021. "Gender VIolence and Autonomy." Dalhousie Philosophy Department Colloquium series. Halifax, NS. Dalhousie University, May 7.

Recent Presentations

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