Sylvia Burrow
Dr. Sylvia Burrow is Associate Professor of Philosophy in the Department of Humanities, Cape Breton University, Canada and Adjunct Professor, Dalhousie University, Canada. Her area of expertise is ethics, focussing on autonomy formation and exercise within oppressive social contexts. Her published research is internationally represented in various chapters and journal articles, invited lectures, and refereed conference presentations exploring autonomy in connection to the development of self-confidence, situating theoretical aims within specific contexts (sport, health care, and gender violence).
Her research has received the support of numerous grants and awards including most recently:
2021-2026. Gender Violence and Autonomy. S.Burrow, PI. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Insight Grant. $99, 206.
2021-2028. Prevention Of University Plagiarism Partnership (PUPP), S. Burrow, Co-Applicant and Executive Committee member. Martine Peters (PI), University of Quebec en Outaouais. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Partnership Grant. $2,436,496.
Dr.  Burrow has maintained a Fellowship and Scholar in Residence position at the Canadian Centre for Ethics and Public Affairs (2010-2012); has steered numerous academic groups, including as President of the Canadian Society for Women in Philosophy; and has served as Ethics Representative, Vice-Chair and Chair, for the Research Ethics Board at CBU and the Cape Breton Regional District Hospital Research Ethics board.
New forthcoming book publication Gender Violence: Resistance, Resilience, and Autonomy (Rowman and Littlefield, 2022).
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